What will LK Advaniji do now?

LKadvaniFrankly speaking, I was well prepared for welcoming the saffron brigade back to power. Although I mentioned this in my earlier post that Advaniji is a bit old for the office, I have a soft corner for that man. I was completely bowled over by the aura of the Iron Man of India when I first met him. But sadly, a modest and humble Dr. Manmohan Singh made his way back to the PMO again.

Though there is no point in fault finding now that Congress has the majority, probably the flaw lies in their buildup to the election. BJP stressed too much on trying to be a ‘One National Party’ as against the UPA who contested majorly as an alliance. Moreover some other rebel parties such as the ill-famous MNS has all but helped the cause of Congress, at least in Mumbai. Without them the Congress couldn’t have won a single seat in Mumbai. Anyway, thats not the point here.

I think the next course of action for Advaniji is to retire and say good bye to his prime ministerial dream. There will be enough mourners, me included. But thats the best thing right now. May be next time we will see the BJP poster boy Narendra Modi coming to power and wrestling his way to the PMO. May be next time we will see a better party being elected. As of now I’m happy that the trouble makers (RJP, SP, BSP, CPI/M) are routed and finally we will have a stable government.

Goodbye Advaniji, we will miss you.

Modi for Prime Minister

narendra-modiWith all due respect to Lal Krishna Advaniji, I would like to vote for Narendra Modi as India’s next prime ministerial candidate. If there is a man who can propel India in a position of strong hold, both economical and strength, it is him. Make him the PM and dare any one attack on us of even infiltrate our borders.

Here is a link giving you a sneak preview of the man of the future. http://narendramodi.in/pages/biography

Join me in promoting the best man to lead India. “Modi for Prime Minister!” Yay!