Happiness is relative

I read a post on my friend prasad‘s blog. It was regarding happiness. It has inspired me eek some thing here (in fact Prasad was inspired by some one else… ethical copying of ideas he he!)

Anyway, it was about happiness… finding happiness in small things. About10-15 people commented on it and agreed. Hmmm… actually they all were right. But I have a question, “Why do you have to search happiness?” Its always there. I used to say this to a friend whenever they would be in trouble, “Happiness is relative.” It is you who decides whether you are happy or not. It is you who can relate yourself to things around you in whatever way you want.

For instance, I’m earning thrice as much as the time when I started my career. Being a psychologically sound guy, I must say I was happy then and I’m happy now. But my practical brain says ‘it means nothing has changed in my life’. If I was happy then or I’m happy now, why am I trying so hard to earn more? Why does it pinch me when I see a startup company? Why do I resent every time I pass 5 star dining launges? Since last few days I’m looking at a pearl white BMW 520d parked inside our office area. Every morning I see that vehicle and tell myself that one day I’m going to drive a silver BMW 525i inside such a parking lot, and be proud of it. One day I want myself to be profiled with the who’s who of world business. I want the world to remember me as the greatest entrepreneur of all times. I want to be interviewed on CE as an expert and a innovator. And that is the reason I’m striving hard. One reason I’m not happy with the things around me, one reason why I feel I’m deficient.

May be some times I become oblivious to the ‘small things of happiness’ around me. But that is a small sacrifice I make. Moreover I’m myself yet to master the ‘happiness is relative’ theory. Yet… since I said this post is inspired from prasad’s post, here is a small list of things that make me happy.

  • Playing with my dog
  • Friendly quarrels with my wife
  • Early morning tea and reading sports page on Times
  • Interesting football matches (Champions league)
  • Savoring Paani Poori at a jaunt in Vile Parle
  • Talking about good old college days with my friends
  • Eating poha at Shankar Nagar Square at 4am in the morning (Nagpur guys will know)
  • Going on a day long trek
  • A customer saying “you rock!” and agreeing to a deal
  • Riding a KB125 or RX100 on a hilly road
  • Late night hang out with friends

Not all of the things above are possible today. But then I had to make those sacrifices for a greater happiness. And I have found new ones here in the sweats and crowds of Mumbai.


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  1. Pingback: Things that make you happy - CrazyEngineers Forum

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