Fire at Will

Fire! Fire at will! kill every one!

… and thats what happening every where in the world today. Take it cricket field both on and off, football, Indian politics, Pakistan, Somalian pirates.

Virender Sehwag mercilessly butchered the New Zealand bowlers to chack the fastest ODI hundred by an Indian.The Kiwis were seen haplessly running for their lives around the stadium of Auckland.

Austrilian bowlers launched the ballistic missile attack on the South Africans. Though Jaques Kallis and AB DeVilliers put up a stern fight, they finally succumbed to the injuries thus ending defeated.

Liverpool banged 5 torpedos past Real Madrid where as Barcelona hammered 6 pass Lyon. Bayern Munich was even more ruthless, launching 12 rockets past Sporting Lisbon… and this all happened on the battle field of Champion League.

In Pakistan, a game of cat and mouse is on. People have decided to take part in a walkathon on 16th March. In all probabilities, they are likely to be greeted by ‘lathi’ bouquets and bullet sprinklers by the team Zardari. Its sad that a brilliant player like Asif Ali Zardari will eventually end up in a losing side being beaten by Taliban XI

In India, they are playing poker swaps. No its not a new game. It is an old fashioned player trading when the leaders are swapped as the transfer window opens just before the Lok Sabha Poll Position race. Now sadly the Lok Sabha race and the battle of Indian Premier League are going to clash. As the government is short of cheer leaders (the reserve and regular poloce force), we have been increasingly worried about the postponment of the IPL battle.

Thats all for the news update now. Keep firing at will. We will be back soon.

Why to become a politician?

A track back to my earlier post. I forgot to write the reason earlier.

Looking at the current mess in the parliament, I think its very easy to be eligible for a post of running the country. Despite such <#@!$#@$#!> politicians ruling us, I fail to understand how did we manage to progress?

So why to become a politician? Simple… because its easy and you don’t need to be guilty or upset over any thing.