GPSM: Nostalgia

Anniversary week special guest post by Smita Mishra

It’s the time of the year again. Examinations, end of another semester, project vivas, report submissions. In short, it can be described as the most chaotic and hectic time of the year for any engineering student. And so it has been for me. But, amidst all this rush and bedlam, there is also a lingering thought on the back of my mind that this is it; the last semester of my engineering career. There won’t be any more rushing to early morning classes (which is 10 AM in my case :D), no more arguing with the mess staff about the rotten quality of food, no more active discussions with the management about conducting Fests in the college, no more running around to clear attendance shortage dues. This is it; the end of 4 years; the end of an era. Continue reading